Salsa & Audi's Wedding
Getting hitched!

Salsa & Audi

18. 07. 2021

You are invited to celebrate the wedding of

Aliya Salsabila

Aliya Salsabila

The only daughter of Mr. Iranto Budisetyono and Mrs. Yulita Siantarini


Audi Rakhmadan

Audi Rakhmadan

The 4th son of Mr. Medlar and Mrs. Eti Utari


Join our wedding virtually

Kamu bisa menghadiri acara pernikahan kami secara virtual dibawah ini.

Live stream belum ada.

Get your e-Invitation here

Please enter the 6 (six) digit code in your invitation for the reservation. Only available for VIP invitees.

Masukkan 6 digit kode undangan Anda

Greet us here!

You may send your congratulatory message and share your joy with Salsa & Audi here

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18 Juli 2021









Thank You

We would like to thank you for your support, kindness, and prayers for our wedding. We are forever grateful that we were able to share our wedding with you. Though we are now only virtually connected, we believe that we are still able to share our purpose, happiness with our beloved friends, families, & relatives through this platform.

Due to unfavorable circumstances, we would like to provide a more convenient and comfortable method to share your love and gifts to Salsa & Audi virtually through this platform.

May blessings and kindness always be with you. Amen.

Pembayaran Instan

mandiri bca bri bni permata atmb prima alto gopay ovo shopeepay dana linkaja alfa

Pembayaran ini menggunakan sistem yang aman. Biaya: Rp 5.000 per transaksi.